Welcome to Our Private Healing Room

The Healing Room website is a sacred space dedicated to honoring God’s call to equip the saints for ministry, as stated in Ephesians 4:11-13. Through our podcast, we aim to fulfill the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:16-20 by evangelizing, discipling, and facilitating physical and emotional healing and deliverance.

At the heart of The Healing Room is the Father’s desire for His children to experience salvation, healing, & deliverance, as expressed in John 10:10. We believe in creating an atmosphere where all individuals, regardless of their background or struggles, can come and receive prayer. We step in to intercede as needed in order to welcome those who are in need of love & liberation.

Miracles unfold in The Healing Room as people encounter the tangible presence of God. We are inspired by the testimonies of transformed lives, such as the 85-year-old woman whose blood cancer improved after receiving prayer. Our mission is to embody the ministry of Jesus, laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, and nurturing spiritual growth through the Word.

Through sharing testimonies on our podcast and by offering guided prayer and study in a variety of formats we aim to inspire healing by drawing people closer to the Lord through prayer. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God as we partner with Him in dismantling the works of the enemy and ushering in His kingdom of freedom and abundant life.

The Healing Room Podcast

Private Sessions

Want to book a private session? Please fill out the form below. We’ll contact you asap.

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