Green drink is a live food drink you make in the blender. A good blender can deliver as much as 80% of the leafs cellular fluids, compared to about 2% when chewed. This drink is a wonderful alternative to juicing, although it does not deliver as much “live juice”. This can be handy when time is short.
So instead of 40 salads per day, one or more green drinks per day is enough to make a big difference. Chlorophyll is “plant blood” and amazingly similar to hemoglobin. The complex molecules of chlorophyll and hemoglobin are alike except the vegetable has a tiny speck of magnesium in the center and hemoglobin has a speck of iron, so one is green and one is red.
Green Drink nourishes the blood stream and is the next best thing to having a blood transfusion. Green Drink is an oxygenator, a poison antidote and a gentle flush to rid the body of poisons both internal and environmental. It is a great source of natural vitamin A, this is wonderful for correction of skin and eye problems, as well as sweeping all internal skin surfaces clean. Green drink will thin the blood, ridding the arteries of toxic sludge. The high potassium content will nourish the muscular system, stabilize blood sugar levels and increase the energy levels. The Green Drink will also provide the body with a host of live enzymes and valuable minerals.
To prepare: Blend a handful of fresh organic greens with 1 pint distilled water for 1 minute and drink. If you don’t want the pulp, strain through a mesh strainer.
Acceptable greens are: Organic Escarole, Bib, Romaine, Endive, Swiss Chard, Kale, Collards, Dandelion Leaves, Birch Tree leaves and Alfalfa Sprouts or any sprouts for that matter and any organic greens. For a stronger diuretic you may add fresh parsley, but only a very small bunch. You can also flavor your drink with any of the following: juice of fresh lemons or limes,a slice of fresh ginger, a clove of garlic or fresh herbs or mints. Use your imagination for taste preferences.
If rapid progress is desired then Green Drink may be taken every hour while awake. As the body fluids are exchanged for Green Drink it is possible to have a “blood transfusion” in 2 weeks time. This is valuable in serious illness. If your blood stream is clean, then every organ in your body is clean.